[ezcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Hello, my name is Ron Alford and I want to thank you for coming to this website, where you will get the cold hard facts about “Hoarding”. You will also receive clarity on the millions of subjective opinions about who and what, is a “Hoarder”.
$500.00 Reward
I will pay a $500.00 Reward to the first person that can show me that therapy cures a cigarette smoker, alcohol abuser, drug user, gambler, adrenaline junkie or
I am as serious as a heart attack and stand behind every word in this document.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
[/ezcol_1half_end]Across the internet, you will find tens of thousands of articles on hoarding and clutter issues, that have been written by freelance writers who earn their living creating propaganda to sell advertising space, where products are sold that are closely related to the article.
Said another way is most of the information found on the net is skewed to send the readers to the healthcare and drug industries for solutions.
What you haven’t found until now, are the Hoarding Facts. Have a look around the site, and learn all of the aspects to Hoarding Facts. Please feel free to Contact me if you have any questions.
Hoarding Fact: You too are a hoarder, and I will prove this fact later as you read through the site.
For more information, call me directly, at 718-939-5800.
For those outside NYC, please call 1-800-ThePlan (843-7526).
© 2013 Ron Alford all rights reserved.
Schiffrin & Longo, P.C. is our copyright and trademark attorneys. Contact Trina Longo, Esq. to get permission to use any photos, text, or other materials from this site.
Failure to do so will get you to meet her on her turf, which is a very expensive lesson on Copyrights, Trademarks, and other Intellectual Property.